
Copying LinkedHashset content to new ArrayList?

I've a listView that has some content initially. If the same content it gets, i removed the duplication through linkedhashset. Now, i want copy the linkedhashset contents i.e without duplication contents to new ArrayList.

I tried to copy through

p.addAll(0,lhm);  // P is the instance of  ArrayList and lhm is linkedHashset instance

But, the ArrayList includes the duplication content too.

Example :

 ArrayList<Price> p = new ArrayList<Price>();

     p.add(new Price("Banana", 60));
     p.add(new Price("Apple", 80));

    LinkedHashSet<Price> lhm = new LinkedHashSet<Price>(p); 
    lhm.add(new Price("Banana", 20)); 
    lhm.add(new Price("Apple", 40));
    lhm.add(new Price("Orange", 30)); 
    for(Price pr:lhm)
    Price duplicate = new Price("Banana", 20);
    System.out.println("inserting duplicate object..."); 
    lhm.add(new Price("Apple", 40));
    System.out.println("After insertion:"); 
    for(Price pr:lhm)

    for (int i = 0; i < p.size(); i++) {

        System.out.println(p.get(i).getItem() +"-" +p.get(i).getPrice());           


class Price
    private String item; 
    private int price; 
    public Price(String itm, int pr)
        this.item = itm; 
        this.price = pr; 
    public int hashCode()
        System.out.println("In hashcode");
        int hashcode = 0; 
        hashcode = price;

        hashcode+= item.hashCode(); 
    //  System.out.println(hashcode);

        return hashcode;  

    public boolean equals(Object obj)
        System.out.println("In equals"); 
        if (obj instanceof Price) 
            Price pp = (Price) obj; 
            return (pp.item.equals(this.item) && pp.price == this.price); 
            return false;

    public String getItem()
        return item; 

    public void setItem(String item) 
        this.item = item; 

    public int getPrice() 

        return price;
    public void setPrice(int price) 
        this.price = price; 
    public String toString()
        return "item: "+item+" price: "+price; 

Output :

In hashcode
In hashcode
In hashcode
In hashcode
In hashcode
item: Banana price: 60
item: Apple price: 80
item: Banana price: 20
item: Apple price: 40
item: Orange price: 30
inserting duplicate object...
In hashcode
In equals
In hashcode
In equals
//iterating linkedhasset content

After insertion:
item: Banana price: 60
item: Apple price: 80
item: Banana price: 20
item: Apple price: 40
item: Orange price: 30

// iterating ArrayList p content

Apple-80 <-- duplicate


  • The following line just inserts all the elements into the arraylist starting from the 0th index


    And, the elements which were added using these lines were still present in the arraylist:

    p.add(new Price("Banana", 60));
    p.add(new Price("Apple", 80));

    So, you should clear the array list before adding the items from the linkedhashset, in case you don't want the duplicates. i.e.

    p.addAll(lhm); // and, at this point you don't need the index.