
Imagemagick: remove alpha component (replace all intermediate alpha pixel with solid pixel)

To solve Android build issue I need to replace all intermediate alpha pixel with solid pixel (leaving transparent background as is).

How to that with ImageMagick or other-command line tool to all images in a tree?

Image bg_all_block.9.png


Image btn_bg_common_press.9.png


enter image description here

UPDATE: I have found that I can detect if alpha is used, as in Detect Alpha Channel with ImageMagick

Other found links


  • To remove the alpha channel from single image use this command:

    convert input.png -alpha off output.png

    To remove the alpha channel from all images inside a folder, make use find to first find all PNG files, and then run 'm through convert:

    find . -name "*.png" -exec convert "{}" -alpha off "{}" \;

    Please test on a COPY of your files to be sure.


    see dialog below, and the answer is based on that "we need to remove alpha that is not 255"

    convert input.png -channel A -threshold 254 output.png

    and for batch

    mkdir batch
    FOR %G IN (*.png) DO convert %G -channel A -threshold 254 batch\%G