
How to remove status 203 error in parsing Google-trends html response?

I am getting Google-trends data through html response after hitting on a URL. I managed to parse that response through Jsoup library. I got the data but only for 3-4 times. After that it started to giving Status-203 error.Each day i run this code for 3-4 times after that i got this exception. Please help me what should i do now ? My Code is -

public class HTMLParser {

private static HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> hostcokkies = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String,String>>();

public static ArrayList<HotTrends> getYouTubeTrendings()
    Document document;
    ArrayList<HotTrends> list = new ArrayList<HotTrends>();
    HotTrends trends          = null;
    try {
    document        =   Jsoup.connect("").get();
    Elements links  ="a[href]");
      for(Element link : links){
          trends    =   new HotTrends();
    catch(Exception e)
    return list;

public static void main(String args[])
    ArrayList<HotTrends> hotTrends = new ArrayList<HotTrends>();
    hotTrends   =    HTMLParser.getYouTubeTrendings();
    for(HotTrends trends : hotTrends)



  • I have the same problem, just change your IP address by yourself or using a program (I use Hotspot Shield it works for me