Tipsy is used to display a lot of text when hovering over my nodes and I'd like to make that text smaller. How do I do that?
gravity: 'w',
html: true,
title: function() {
var d = this.__data__, id =, inc_calls = d.inc_calls, out_calls = d.out_calls, inc_texts = d.inc_texts, out_texts = d.out_texts;
return 'Incoming Calls: ' + inc_calls + '<br/>' + 'Outgoing Calls: ' + out_calls + '<br/>' + 'Incoming Texts: ' + inc_texts + '<br/>' + 'Outgoing Texts: ' + out_texts ;
wrap the text that you are returning for title with a span which has style with font-size that you wish.. for example i have set the font size to 10 px you can reset it to a size which fits for your situation.
<span style="font-size:10px">+ your_title_text +</span>
gravity: 'w',
html: true,
title: function() {
var d = this.__data__, id =, inc_calls = d.inc_calls, out_calls = d.out_calls, inc_texts = d.inc_texts, out_texts = d.out_texts;
return '<span style="font-size:10px">Incoming Calls: ' + inc_calls + '<br/>' + 'Outgoing Calls: ' + out_calls + '<br/>' + 'Incoming Texts: ' + inc_texts + '<br/>' + 'Outgoing Texts: ' + out_texts + '</span>' ;