
Powershell not sourcing .profile

 New-SshSession -ComputerName cagent01 
 $A= Invoke-SshCommand -InvokeOnAll -Quiet -Command '~/.bash_profile'
 $B= Invoke-SshCommand -InvokeOnAll -Quiet -Command '~/.bashrc'
 $Result = Invoke-SshCommand -InvokeOnAll -Quiet -Command './start'
 $Ora = Invoke-SshCommand -InvokeOnAll -Quiet -Command 'echo $ORACLE_HOME'
 write-host "Oracle home is $Ora"
 Remove-SshSession -RemoveAll

i use PowerShell v3. This script isn't sourcing my .profile. I don't see $Ora printing any value.

When I manually log into the server to do echo $PATH, it includes the ORACLE path

echo $PATH


The .bash_profile does export the PATH variable. export PATH

When I run a bamboo plan on this agent, it says ORACLE_HOME is not set. Manually loggin into the server sources the path correctly, but i want to do it using the script.

Can someone please help me with a work around? Or is it not possible to do this using PowerShell for Linux servers?


  • I sourced the /etc/profile in my .bashrc and incorporated that change to the new snapshot. It works like a charm now. Thank you so much for all the valuable inputs