Using Typhoon and Swift, I am setting up my project and I have this problem. I have a class TPLAddInteractor
this way
class TPLAddInteractor: NSObject, TPLAddInteractorInput {
var output: TPLAddInteractorOutput?
var dataManager: TPLDataManagerInterface?
My assembly looks like this
class TPLAddAssembly: TyphoonAssembly {
var applicationAssembly: TPLApplicationAssembly?
dynamic func addInteractor() -> AnyObject {
return TyphoonDefinition.withClass(TPLAddInteractor.self) {
(definition) in
definition.injectProperty("output", with: self.addPresenter())
definition.injectProperty("dataManager", with: self.applicationAssembly?.dataManager())
dynamic func addPresenter() -> AnyObject {
return TyphoonDefinition.withClass(TPLAddPresenter.self) {
(definition) in
definition.injectProperty("interactor", with: self.addInteractor())
And then I receive this error right after running the app:
reason: 'Can't inject property 'dataManager' for object '<TPL.TPLAddInteractor: 0x7ff5b2d2bcf0>'. Setter selector not found. Make sure that property exists and writable'
I am reading the Swift example of Typhoon and I don't see anything unusual in my code. But I am new on Swift so maybe I'm missing something.
To work with Typhoon, it's necessary for Swift protocols to have the '@objc' directive. This is because Typhoon uses the Objective-C runtime as Swift has no native dynamism as yet.
This requirement is documented in the Swift Quick Start.