I was using OWL-API version 4.0.1 together with Pellet reasoner version 2.3.6 as can be seen in the extracted from pom file maven dependency section below
When i complied the project, i found an error as below:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AbstractMethodError at org.semanticweb.owlapi.OWLAPIServiceLoaderModule.loadFactories(OWLAPIServiceLoaderModule.java:99) at org.semanticweb.owlapi.OWLAPIServiceLoaderModule.configure(OWLAPIServiceLoaderModule.java:52) at com.google.inject.AbstractModule.configure(AbstractModule.java:62) at com.google.inject.spi.Elements$RecordingBinder.install(Elements.java:230) at com.google.inject.spi.Elements.getElements(Elements.java:103) at com.google.inject.internal.InjectorShell$Builder.build(InjectorShell.java:136) at com.google.inject.internal.InternalInjectorCreator.build(InternalInjectorCreator.java:104) at com.google.inject.Guice.createInjector(Guice.java:96) at com.google.inject.Guice.createInjector(Guice.java:73) at com.google.inject.Guice.createInjector(Guice.java:62) at org.semanticweb.owlapi.apibinding.OWLManager.(OWLManager.java:43) at sematicdm.parser.CreateIndividualsClass.main(CreateIndividualsClass.java:73)
In the class createIndividualsClass the line which raises the error is below:
OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager();
Is it a compatibility issues ? If so, what version of pellet resoner should i include in the pom file?
There isn't a Pellet version compatible with OWLAPI 4 yet - I'm planning to release one at the end of this week. Keep an eye on https://github.com/ignazio1977/pellet for updates.
Currently, the latest versions of FaCT++ (1.6.3) and JFact (4.0.0) are compatible with OWLAPI 4.0.1. I am not aware of the current status for other reasoners - HermiT is planning an update but has not completed that yet.