In my Inno Setup script, I need to execute a command that generates temp files that are to be copied in the [Files] section. I have tried the following:
; cd to the directory of the Inno Setup script and execute a python file
#expr Exec('cmd /C "cd /d %cd% & C:\Python34\python.exe"','','',1,SW_HIDE)
This does not seem to execute as I do not see the files created, which can obviously not be included in the installer.
Along the same lines, how would I execute a command when complete to delete these temp files?
Edit I did execute the cmd by hand and validated that it works
It should be:
#expr Exec('cmd.exe', '/C "cd /d %cd% & C:\Python34\python.exe"','',1,SW_HIDE)
The cmd.exe
is the process you are executing, the rest are arguments.
Though even better would be to do without cmd.exe
as you do not need it actually:
#expr Exec('C:\Python34\python.exe', '','c:\startupfolder',1,SW_HIDE)
See Inno Setup Preprocessor: Exec.
Though personally, I'd create a batch file that first runs the Python and then runs Inno Setup compiler. It's way easier and more understandable.