
Google Spreadsheet, how to get a column filtering by a header value

To get a row from specific value in the first column is easy with FILTER function:

=FILTER(A:C, A:A = "ROW_89")

It will return the whole row which has a "ROW_89" in his column A

Now I would like to have the whole column which has a "COLUMN_12" in his row 1.

I'm trying:

=FILTER(A:C, 1:1 = "COLUMN_12")

But it is not working:

FILTER has mismatched range sizes. Expected row count: 1. column count: 3. Actual row count: 1, column count: 26.


  • Strange thing indeed, but this works:

    =FILTER(A:C, A1:C1 = "COLUMN_12")