When you search for "site:videochums.com/review", some reviews no longer have rich snippets. I recently changed the reviews to include the type "VideoGame" as opposed to what I had before; "SoftwareApplication". Are the rich snippets not showing because Google doesn't support VideoGame? I tried the Structured Data Testing Tool and everything validates perfectly, so I'm thoroughly confused.
Here's an example of a review page in case you'd like to examine the markup: [URL removed]
Any help will greatly be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Google does not display a Review Rich Snippet for all of the Schema.org types, but they don’t explicitly list which types are supported (emphasis mine):
We support reviews and ratings for a wide range of schema.org types, including businesses, products, and different creative works such as books or movies.
Maybe it is relatated to the fact that VideoGame
is a relatively new type, added 2014-12-11.