
How to configure a session timeout for Grails application?

In one of controllers in my Grails application I'm preserving a parameter value in a session variable like this:

session.myVariable = params.myValue

After that, I can access the saved value from different controllers/GSP-pages as long as I actively use the app. However, if I don't use my app for a while, even though my browser window is still open, the session variable looses it's value.

Does this happens because the session expires? I was under impression that a session lives until the browser window is still open, but apparently I was wrong.

What should I do to ensure all session variables I define in my Grails app don't expire until the browser is closed? Is there any way to set session timeout manually?

Thank you in advance for your answers!


  • Another option would be modifying web.xml. Prior you must call

    grails install-templates

    Then edit src/templates/war/web.xml and add/modify after servlet-mapping:


    The value of session-timeout uses minutes as unit.