
Lazy evaluation macro with Sweet.js

I just got in JavaScript and noticed that lazy evaluation is not directly supported in this language. Natively the code turns into the hell of boiler plate like this:

function lazy(f) {
    var v = undefined;
    return function() {
        if (v == undefined) 
            v = f();
        return v;

// 10 times larger than actual operation
var foo = lazy(function() {
    return 3 + 3;

But I found Sweet.js and believe that it can make the code simple like this:

var foo = lazy (3 + 3);

var goo = lazy {
    var a = 3 + 3;
    return a;

So I tested out Edit Sweet.js:

function lazy_f(f) {
    var v = undefined;
    return function() {
        if (v == undefined) 
            v = f();
        return v;

macro lazy {
    rules { $expr } => {
        lazy_f(function() { return $expr; })

var foo = lazy (3 + 3);

It worked with a single expr. But there are cases that lazy takes in a block of expr like this:

var goo = lazy {
    var a = 3 + 3;
    return a;

So I arranged the above code like this:

function lazy_f(f) {
    var v = undefined;
    return function() {
        if (v == undefined) 
            v = f();
        return v;

macro lazy {
    rule { $($expr) (;) ... } => {     //
        lazy_f(function() $expr ...);  //
    }                                  //
    rules { $expr } => {
        lazy_f(function() { return $expr; })

var foo = lazy (3 + 3);

var goo = lazy {
    var a = 3 + 3;
    return a;

And it doesn't work for some reason. I believe the first pattern $($expr) (;) ... shouldn't match with (3 + 3), but apparently it's doing.

I worked on this for an hour and finally gave up. How do you make the two patterns working at the same time?

If it's not possible to do so, I would like to take another way for a single expr:

lar foo = 3 + 3;
var foo_content = foo();

And I don't know how to do this as well.


  • Since you want to use it with curly brackets, you need to include the brackets in the macro, like @timdisney said.

    However, to lazily evaluate an expression like var a = lazy this.x * this.y, you need to properly bind the expression to the current value of this.

    Full code

    function lazyEvaluate(thisObject, functionToEvaluate) {
        var result, hasResult = false;
        return function () {
            if (hasResult) {
                return result;
            } else {
                hasResult = true;
                return result =;
    let lazy = macro {
        rule {
                $statements ...
        } => {
            lazyEvaluate(this, function () {
                $statements ...
        rule { $expression:expr } => {
            lazyEvaluate(this, function () {
                return $expression;

    This should work for any valid expression.


    var a = 5, b = 2, c = lazy a * b, d = lazy {
        return c() * a;
    a = 10;
    console.log(c()); // 20
    a = 5;
    console.log(d()); // 100