I am using mousetrap for capturing key presses. One of the shortcuts I want to define is to focus on an input.
Mousetrap.bind('i', function() { $('.input').focus() });
The focussing works fine, but the 'i' keypress also gets bubbled to the input, and with being focussed, the input also gets populated with 'i'.
Is there a way to prevent the 'i' from being written in the input? Any help is appreciated.
Right there in the documentation:
As a convenience you can also return false in your callback:
Mousetrap.bind(['ctrl+s', 'meta+s'], function(e) { _saveDraft(); return false; });
Returning false here works the same way as jQuery's return false. It prevents the default action and stops the event from bubbling up.
Mousetrap.bind('i', function() {
return false;