
Gcd of polynomials modulo k

I want to ask Matlab to tell me, for example, the greatest common divisor of polynomials of x^4+x^3+2x+2 and x^3+x^2+x+1 over fields like Z_3[x] (where an answer is x+1) and Z_5[x] (where an answer is x^2-x+2).

Any ideas how I would implement this?


  • Here's a simple implementation. The polynomials are encoded as arrays of coefficients, starting from the lowest degree: so, x^4+x^3+2x+2 is [2 2 0 1 1]. The function takes two polynomials p, q and the modulus k (which should be prime for the algorithm to work property).


    The function first pads arrays to be of the same length. As long as they are not equal, is identifies the higher-degree polynomial and subtracts from it the lower-degree polynomial multiplied by an appropriate power of x. That's all.

    function g = gcdpolyff(p, q, k)
    p = [p, zeros(1, numel(q)-numel(p))];
    q = [q, zeros(1, numel(p)-numel(q))];
    while nnz(mod(p-q,k))>0
        dp = find(p,1,'last');
        dq = find(q,1,'last');
        if (dp>=dq)
            p(dp-dq+1:dp) = mod(p(1+dp-dq:dp) - q(1:dq), k);
            q(dq-dp+1:dq) = mod(q(dq-dp+1:dq) - p(1:dp), k);
    g = p(1:find(p,1,'last'));

    The names of the variables dp and dq are slightly misleading: they are not degrees of p and q, but rather degrees + 1.