
Couch DB escape characters

I have a list function for CouchDB, but I can't get it into the DB because I'm constantly getting syntax erros. Here is the function:

function(head,req) {
  var headers;
  start({'headers':{'Content-Type' : 'text/csv; charset=utf-8; header=present'}});
  while(r = getRow()) {
    if(!headers) {
      headers = Object.keys(r.value);
      send('"' + headers.join('","') + '"\n');
    headers.forEach(function(v,i) {
      (i + 1 < headers.length) ? send(',') : send('\n');

Can anyone show me an example of this function formatted that can be inserted into CouchDB?


  • List functions are stored in design documents. Design documents are JSON documents, so you need to make sure they conform to the JSON standard. Since List functions are string values in JSON, you need to make sure that you: