
Missing Secure attributes in cookies: WL_PERSISTENT_COOKIE and testcookie

In a security scan result, I received the following error:

"Missing Secure Attribute in Encrypted Session (SSL) Cookie" for WL_PERSISTENT_COOKIE and testcookie.

I don't know how to set the secure attribute for these cookies, from the websphere server it just allows me to set the secure attribute for the JSESSIONID cookie but not for the others.

Here are my conclusions from my appscan results:

How can I edit this file as it seems a predefined file in worklight? Would it be a good practice to edit this file so that I modify that line to include the secure attribute?

Thank you very much in advance!


  • The short answer is that there is no option to set the secure attribute for either of these cookies. These 2 cookies are not considered sensitive. But AppScan does not know if these are sensitive cookies or not and so just reports that there is no secure attribute set.

    In the case of testcookie, it is only used by the client to test whether cookies can be set or not. It is not used by the server at all.

    The WL_PERSISTENT_COOKIE is a randomly generated ID to associate a request with a user identity when there is no other user identity established. It is used internally to represent an anonymous ID for purposes like tracking/reporting. It is not used for protecting resources that require authentication and authorization. So capturing a WL_PERSISTENT_COOKIE token and using it from another device or another session would not grant any additional or different privileges.