When I run the below code from Ubuntu 14.04 I get multiple syntax errors.
root@bnbackup:~# perl asa_backup_3
#Function: Backup/restore configuration/extensions to/from a TFTP server.
#Description: The objective of this script is to show how to back up
#configurations/extensions before the backup/restore command is developed.
# It currently backs up the running configuration, all extensions imported via "import
#webvpn" command, the CSD configuration XML file, and the DAP configuration XML file.
#Requirements: Perl with Expect, SSH to the ASA, and a TFTP server.
#Usage: backupasa -option option_value
# -h: ASA hostname or IP address
# -u: User name to log in via SSH
# -w: Password to log in via SSH
# -e: The Enable password on the security appliance
# -p: Global configuration mode prompt
# -s: Host name or IP address of the TFTP server to store the configurations
# -r: Restore with an argument that specifies the file name. This file is produced
#during backup.
#If you don't enter an option, the script will prompt for it prior to backup.
#Make sure that you can SSH to the ASA.
use Expect;
use Getopt::Std;
#global variables
$restore = 0; #does backup by default
$restore_file = `';
$asa = `';
$storage = `';
$user = `';
$password = `';
$enable = `';
$prompt = `';
$date = `date +%F';
my $exp = new Expect();
do process_options();
do login($exp);
do enable($exp);
if ($restore) {
do restore($exp,$restore_file);
else {
$restore_file = "$prompt-restore-$date.cli";
open(OUT,">$restore_file") or die "Can't open $restore_file\n";
do running_config($exp);
do lang_trans($exp);
do customization($exp);
do plugin($exp);
do url_list($exp);
do webcontent($exp);
do dap($exp);
do csd($exp);
do finish($exp);
sub enable {
$obj = shift;
unless ($obj->expect(15, `Password:')) {
print "timed out waiting for Password:\n";
unless ($obj->expect(15, "$prompt#")) {
print "timed out waiting for $prompt#\n";
sub lang_trans {
$obj = shift;
$obj->send("show import webvpn translation-table\n");
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
$output = $obj->before();
@items = split(/\n+/, $output);
for (@items) {
next if /show import/ or /Translation Tables/;
next unless (/^.+\s+.+$/);
($lang, $transtable) = split(/\s+/,$_);
$cli = "export webvpn translation-table $transtable language $lang
$ocli = $cli;
$ocli =~ s/^export/import/;
print "$cli\n";
print OUT "$ocli\n";
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
sub running_config {
$obj = shift;
$cli ="copy /noconfirm running-config $storage/$prompt-$date.cfg";
print "$cli\n";
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
sub customization {
$obj = shift;
$obj->send("show import webvpn customization\n");
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
$output = $obj->before();
@items = split(/\n+/, $output);
for (@items) {
next if /^Template/ or /show import/ or /^\s*$/;
$cli = "export webvpn customization $_ $storage/$prompt-$date-cust-$_.xml";
$ocli = $cli;
$ocli =~ s/^export/import/;
print "$cli\n";
print OUT "$ocli\n";
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
sub plugin {
$obj = shift;
$obj->send("show import webvpn plug-in\n");
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
$output = $obj->before();
@items = split(/\n+/, $output);
for (@items) {
next if /^Template/ or /show import/ or /^\s*$/;
$cli = "export webvpn plug-in protocol $_ $storage/$prompt-$date-plugin-$_.jar";
$ocli = $cli;
$ocli =~ s/^export/import/;
print "$cli\n";
print OUT "$ocli\n";
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
sub url_list {
$obj = shift;
$obj->send("show import webvpn url-list\n");
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
$output = $obj->before();
@items = split(/\n+/, $output);
for (@items) {
next if /^Template/ or /show import/ or /^\s*$/ or /No bookmarks/;
$cli="export webvpn url-list $_ $storage/$prompt-$date-urllist-$_.xml";
$ocli = $cli;
$ocli =~ s/^export/import/;
print "$cli\n";
print OUT "$ocli\n";
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
sub dap {
$obj = shift;
$obj->send("dir dap.xml\n");
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
$output = $obj->before();
return 0 if($output =~ /Error/);
$cli="copy /noconfirm dap.xml $storage/$prompt-$date-dap.xml";
$ocli="copy /noconfirm $storage/$prompt-$date-dap.xml disk0:/dap.xml";
print "$cli\n";
print OUT "$ocli\n";
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
sub csd {
$obj = shift;
$obj->send("dir sdesktop\n");
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
$output = $obj->before();
return 0 if($output =~ /Error/);
$cli="copy /noconfirm sdesktop/data.xml $storage/$prompt-$date-data.xml";
$ocli="copy /noconfirm $storage/$prompt-$date-data.xml disk0:/sdesktop/data.xml";
print "$cli\n";
print OUT "$ocli\n";
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
sub webcontent {
$obj = shift;
$obj->send("show import webvpn webcontent\n");
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
$output = $obj->before();
@items = split(/\n+/, $output);
for (@items) {
next if /show import/ or /No custom/;
next unless (/^.+\s+.+$/);
($url, $type) = split(/\s+/,$_);
$turl = $url;
$turl =~ s/\/\+//;
$turl =~ s/\+\//-/;
$cli = "export webvpn webcontent $url $storage/$prompt-$date-$turl";
$ocli = $cli;
$ocli =~ s/^export/import/;
print "$cli\n";
print OUT "$ocli\n";
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
sub login {
$obj = shift;
$obj->log_stdout(0); #turn off console logging.
$obj->spawn("/usr/bin/ssh $user\@$asa") or die "can't spawn ssh\n";
unless ($obj->expect(15, "password:" )) {
die "timeout waiting for password:\n";
unless ($obj->expect(15, "$prompt>" )) {
die "timeout waiting for $prompt>\n";
sub finish {
$obj = shift;
print "\n\n";
sub restore {
$obj = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $output;
open(IN,"$file") or die "can't open $file\n";
while (<IN>) {
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
$output = $obj->before();
print "$output\n";
sub process_options {
if (defined($options{s})) {
$tstr= $options{s};
$storage = "tftp://$tstr";
else {
print "Enter TFTP host name or IP address:";
$storage = "tftp://$tstr";
if (defined($options{h})) {
$asa = $options{h};
else {
print "Enter ASA host name or IP address:";
if (defined ($options{u})) {
$user= $options{u};
else {
print "Enter user name:";
if (defined ($options{w})) {
$password= $options{w};
else {
print "Enter password:";
if (defined ($options{p})) {
$prompt= $options{p};
else {
print "Enter ASA prompt:";
if (defined ($options{e})) {
$enable = $options{e};
else {
print "Enter enable password:";
if (defined ($options{r})) {
$restore = 1;
$restore_file = $options{r};
Errors :
String found where operator expected at asa_backup_3 line 31, near "$storage = `'"
(Might be a runaway multi-line '' string starting on line 30)
(Missing semicolon on previous line?)
String found where operator expected at asa_backup_3 line 34, near "$enable = `'"
(Might be a runaway multi-line '' string starting on line 33)
(Missing semicolon on previous line?)
Bareword found where operator expected at asa_backup_3 line 36, near "$date = `date"
(Might be a runaway multi-line `` string starting on line 35)
(Missing operator before date?)
String found where operator expected at asa_backup_3 line 49, near "open(OUT,">$restore_file") or die "Can'"
(Might be a runaway multi-line '' string starting on line 36)
(Missing semicolon on previous line?)
Bareword found where operator expected at asa_backup_3 line 49, near "open(OUT,">$restore_file") or die "Can't"
Backslash found where operator expected at asa_backup_3 line 49, near "$restore_file\"
(Missing operator before \?)
String found where operator expected at asa_backup_3 line 63, near "$obj->send(""
(Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 49)
(Missing semicolon on previous line?)
Backslash found where operator expected at asa_backup_3 line 63, near "enable\"
String found where operator expected at asa_backup_3 line 65, near "print ""
(Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 63)
(Missing semicolon on previous line?)
String found where operator expected at asa_backup_3 line 67, near "$obj->send(""
(Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 65)
(Missing semicolon on previous line?)
Backslash found where operator expected at asa_backup_3 line 67, near "$enable\"
(Missing operator before \?)
String found where operator expected at asa_backup_3 line 68, near "unless ($obj->expect(15, ""
(Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 67)
(Missing semicolon on previous line?)
syntax error at asa_backup_3 line 31, near "$storage = `'"
syntax error at asa_backup_3 line 34, near "$enable = `'"
syntax error at asa_backup_3 line 36, near "$date = `date "
Unmatched right curly bracket at asa_backup_3 line 70, at end of line
Unmatched right curly bracket at asa_backup_3 line 71, at end of line
syntax error at asa_backup_3 line 94, near "}"
syntax error at asa_backup_3 line 102, near "}"
syntax error at asa_backup_3 line 121, near "}"
syntax error at asa_backup_3 line 140, near "}"
syntax error at asa_backup_3 line 159, near "}"
asa_backup_3 has too many errors.
Im wondering if these errors actually exist as this code came from CISCO
Can someone suggest a way to run the code without getting all these errors.
Thanks !
After following Jens instructions and removing backticks I get this error :
Bareword found where operator expected at asa_backup_6 line 2, near "/extensions to/from a"
(Missing operator before a?)
Unknown regexp modifier "/f" at asa_backup_6 line 2, at end of line
Unknown regexp modifier "/r" at asa_backup_6 line 2, at end of line
syntax error at asa_backup_6 line 2, near "/extensions to/from a TFTP "
"use" not allowed in expression at asa_backup_6 line 35, at end of line
BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at asa_backup_6 line 37.
Update 2 :
This is what my code looks like now in file asa_backup_6 :
#Function: Backup/restore configuration/extensions to/from a TFTP server.
#Description: The objective of this script is to show how to back up
#configurations/extensions before the backup/restore command is developed.
# It currently backs up the running configuration, all extensions imported via "import
#webvpn" command, the CSD configuration XML file, and the DAP configuration XML file.
#Requirements: Perl with Expect, SSH to the ASA, and a TFTP server.
#Usage: backupasa -option option_value
# -h: ASA hostname or IP address
# -u: User name to log in via SSH
# -w: Password to log in via SSH
# -e: The Enable password on the security appliance
# -p: Global configuration mode prompt
# -s: Host name or IP address of the TFTP server to store the configurations
# -r: Restore with an argument that specifies the file name. This file is produced
#during backup.
#If you don't enter an option, the script will prompt for it prior to backup.
#Make sure that you can SSH to the ASA.
use Expect;
use Getopt::Std;
#global variables
$restore = 0; #does backup by default
$restore_file = '';
$asa = '';
$storage = '';
$user = '';
$password = '';
$enable = '';
$prompt = '';
$date = `date +%F`;
my $exp = new Expect();
do process_options();
do login($exp);
do enable($exp);
if ($restore) {
do restore($exp,$restore_file);
else {
$restore_file = "$prompt-restore-$date.cli";
open(OUT,">$restore_file") or die "Can't open $restore_file\n";
do running_config($exp);
do lang_trans($exp);
do customization($exp);
do plugin($exp);
do url_list($exp);
do webcontent($exp);
do dap($exp);
do csd($exp);
do finish($exp);
sub enable {
$obj = shift;
unless ($obj->expect(15, 'Password:')) {
print "timed out waiting for Password:\n";
unless ($obj->expect(15, "$prompt#")) {
print "timed out waiting for $prompt#\n";
sub lang_trans {
$obj = shift;
$obj->send("show import webvpn translation-table\n");
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
$output = $obj->before();
@items = split(/\n+/, $output);
for (@items) {
next if /show import/ or /Translation Tables/;
next unless (/^.+\s+.+$/);
($lang, $transtable) = split(/\s+/,$_);
$cli = "export webvpn translation-table $transtable language $lang
$ocli = $cli;
$ocli =~ s/^export/import/;
print "$cli\n";
print OUT "$ocli\n";
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
sub running_config {
$obj = shift;
$cli ="copy /noconfirm running-config $storage/$prompt-$date.cfg";
print "$cli\n";
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
sub customization {
$obj = shift;
$obj->send("show import webvpn customization\n");
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
$output = $obj->before();
@items = split(/\n+/, $output);
for (@items) {
next if /^Template/ or /show import/ or /^\s*$/;
$cli = "export webvpn customization $_ $storage/$prompt-$date-cust-$_.xml";
$ocli = $cli;
$ocli =~ s/^export/import/;
print "$cli\n";
print OUT "$ocli\n";
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
sub plugin {
$obj = shift;
$obj->send("show import webvpn plug-in\n");
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
$output = $obj->before();
@items = split(/\n+/, $output);
for (@items) {
next if /^Template/ or /show import/ or /^\s*$/;
$cli = "export webvpn plug-in protocol $_ $storage/$prompt-$date-plugin-$_.jar";
$ocli = $cli;
$ocli =~ s/^export/import/;
print "$cli\n";
print OUT "$ocli\n";
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
sub url_list {
$obj = shift;
$obj->send("show import webvpn url-list\n");
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
$output = $obj->before();
@items = split(/\n+/, $output);
for (@items) {
next if /^Template/ or /show import/ or /^\s*$/ or /No bookmarks/;
$cli="export webvpn url-list $_ $storage/$prompt-$date-urllist-$_.xml";
$ocli = $cli;
$ocli =~ s/^export/import/;
print "$cli\n";
print OUT "$ocli\n";
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
sub dap {
$obj = shift;
$obj->send("dir dap.xml\n");
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
$output = $obj->before();
return 0 if($output =~ /Error/);
$cli="copy /noconfirm dap.xml $storage/$prompt-$date-dap.xml";
$ocli="copy /noconfirm $storage/$prompt-$date-dap.xml disk0:/dap.xml";
print "$cli\n";
print OUT "$ocli\n";
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
sub csd {
$obj = shift;
$obj->send("dir sdesktop\n");
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
$output = $obj->before();
return 0 if($output =~ /Error/);
$cli="copy /noconfirm sdesktop/data.xml $storage/$prompt-$date-data.xml";
$ocli="copy /noconfirm $storage/$prompt-$date-data.xml disk0:/sdesktop/data.xml";
print "$cli\n";
print OUT "$ocli\n";
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
sub webcontent {
$obj = shift;
$obj->send("show import webvpn webcontent\n");
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
$output = $obj->before();
@items = split(/\n+/, $output);
for (@items) {
next if /show import/ or /No custom/;
next unless (/^.+\s+.+$/);
($url, $type) = split(/\s+/,$_);
$turl = $url;
$turl =~ s/\/\+//;
$turl =~ s/\+\//-/;
$cli = "export webvpn webcontent $url $storage/$prompt-$date-$turl";
$ocli = $cli;
$ocli =~ s/^export/import/;
print "$cli\n";
print OUT "$ocli\n";
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
sub login {
$obj = shift;
$obj->log_stdout(0); #turn off console logging.
$obj->spawn("/usr/bin/ssh $user\@$asa") or die "can't spawn ssh\n";
unless ($obj->expect(15, "password:" )) {
die "timeout waiting for password:\n";
unless ($obj->expect(15, "$prompt>" )) {
die "timeout waiting for $prompt>\n";
sub finish {
$obj = shift;
print "\n\n";
sub restore {
$obj = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $output;
open(IN,"$file") or die "can't open $file\n";
while (<IN>) {
$obj->expect(15, "$prompt#" );
$output = $obj->before();
print "$output\n";
sub process_options {
if (defined($options{s})) {
$tstr= $options{s};
$storage = "tftp://$tstr";
else {
print "Enter TFTP host name or IP address:";
$storage = "tftp://$tstr";
if (defined($options{h})) {
$asa = $options{h};
else {
print "Enter ASA host name or IP address:";
if (defined ($options{u})) {
$user= $options{u};
else {
print "Enter user name:";
if (defined ($options{w})) {
$password= $options{w};
else {
print "Enter password:";
if (defined ($options{p})) {
$prompt= $options{p};
else {
print "Enter ASA prompt:";
if (defined ($options{e})) {
$enable = $options{e};
else {
print "Enter enable password:";
if (defined ($options{r})) {
$restore = 1;
$restore_file = $options{r};
Update 3
After removing line as @Jens said in comments below : "#Function: Backup/restore configuration/extensions to/from a TFTP server."
I get this. Notice now it is asking me for input on the bottom line :-)
root@bnbackup:~# perl asa_backup_7
Use of "do" to call subroutines is deprecated at asa_backup_7 line 64.
Use of "do" to call subroutines is deprecated at asa_backup_7 line 66.
Use of "do" to call subroutines is deprecated at asa_backup_7 line 68.
Use of "do" to call subroutines is deprecated at asa_backup_7 line 72.
Use of "do" to call subroutines is deprecated at asa_backup_7 line 82.
Use of "do" to call subroutines is deprecated at asa_backup_7 line 84.
Use of "do" to call subroutines is deprecated at asa_backup_7 line 86.
Use of "do" to call subroutines is deprecated at asa_backup_7 line 88.
Use of "do" to call subroutines is deprecated at asa_backup_7 line 90.
Use of "do" to call subroutines is deprecated at asa_backup_7 line 92.
Use of "do" to call subroutines is deprecated at asa_backup_7 line 94.
Use of "do" to call subroutines is deprecated at asa_backup_7 line 96.
Use of "do" to call subroutines is deprecated at asa_backup_7 line 102.
**Enter TFTP host name or IP address:**
In the lines from $restore_file =
';` are backticks and single quotes mixed. change it to single quotes.
restore_file = `';
$asa = `';
$storage = `';
$user = `';
$password = `';
$enable = `';
$prompt = `';
$date = `date +%F';
restore_file = '';
$asa = '';
$storage = '';
$user = '';
$password = '';
$enable = '';
$prompt = '';
$date = `date +%F`;
UPDATE Here is one more backtick:
unless ($obj->expect(15, `Password:')) {
It must also be changed to:
unless ($obj->expect(15, 'Password:')) {