Going to assume that I have two case classes: Child
, Parent
that look something like:
case class Child()
case class Parent(child: Child)
Assume I've already implemented Writes[Child]
. I'd like to implement Writes[Parent]
I'm able to do this using combinators:
implicit val parentWrites: Writes[Parent] = (
(__ \ "child").write[Child]
But with the following approach, the compiler complains that it's seeing the type Child
while expecting a JsValueWrapper
implicit val parentWrites = new Writes[Parent] {
def writes(parent: Parent) = Json.obj(
"child" -> parent.child
Hoping someone can help me understand how to implement a Writes[Parent]
without using combinators.
This does work for me without any compile issues.
import play.api.libs.json._
case class Child(t: String)
case class Parent(child: Child)
implicit val parentWrites = new Writes[Parent] {
def writes(parent: Parent) = Json.obj("child" -> parent.child)
If you are still having trouble, it would be useful if you can share your complete sample with stacktrace.