My game has two UIViewControllers
. The first one finds a match with the matchmakerViewController(didFindMatch:)
method. Once the match is found, the player is taken to the second one.
The GKVoiceChat
should be active in the second one. Though, I am currently setting it up in the first UIViewController
. Is this the right approach? I can't find any way to do it in the second UIViewController
, as I can't create a GKMatch
variable wherever I want.
To add a GKVoiceChat
, I use the following code:
func matchmakerViewController(viewController: GKMatchmakerViewController!,
didFindMatch match: GKMatch!) {
println("I found a match.")
// Checking if the device has a microphone
if !GKVoiceChat.isVoIPAllowed() {
// Creation of an audio session
var audioSession:AVAudioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
audioSession.setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord, error: nil)
audioSession.setActive(true, error: nil)
// Setting up a voice channel
let allChannel = match.voiceChatWithName("allChannel") = true
allChannel.volume = 1.0
// Redirect the player to a new UIViewController
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Universal", bundle: nil)
let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("ViewController") as UIViewController
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
self.presentViewController(vc, animated: true, completion: nil)
As mention in the comments, this looks like your allChannel
object is being deallocated at the end of the method. I'm not sure what the purpose of your second view controller is, but I'd subclass UIViewController
and create a property that you set and then check for, .e.g:
class VoiceViewController: UIViewController {
var voiceChat: GKVoiceChat?
override func viewDidLoad() {
if let voiceChat = self.voiceChat {
// Do something with your voiceChat property
Then, update your method to be:
func matchmakerViewController(viewController: GKMatchmakerViewController!,
didFindMatch match: GKMatch!) {
println("I found a match.")
// Checking if the device has a microphone
if !GKVoiceChat.isVoIPAllowed() {
// Creation of an audio session
var error: NSError?
var audioSession:AVAudioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
audioSession.setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord, error: &error)
if let error = error {
// Do something with the error, such as tell the user
audioSession.setActive(true, error: &error)
if let error = error {
// Do something with the error, such as tell the user
// Setting up a voice channel
let allChannel = match.voiceChatWithName("allChannel") = true
allChannel.volume = 1.0
// Redirect the player to a new UIViewController
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Universal", bundle: nil)
let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("ViewController") as VoiceViewController
vc.voiceChat = allChannel
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
self.presentViewController(vc, animated: true, completion: nil)
There's also a chance your issue is with your AVAudioSession
, so I've also added error checking for that.
If you choose to have the voice chat managed by the view controller your original method is in, so can do:
var voiceChat: GKVoiceChat?
func matchmakerViewController(viewController: GKMatchmakerViewController!,
didFindMatch match: GKMatch!) {
println("I found a match.")
// Checking if the device has a microphone
if !GKVoiceChat.isVoIPAllowed() {
// Creation of an audio session
var error: NSError?
var audioSession:AVAudioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
audioSession.setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord, error: &error)
if let error = error {
// Do something with the error, such as tell the user
audioSession.setActive(true, error: &error)
if let error = error {
// Do something with the error, such as tell the user
// Setting up a voice channel
let allChannel = match.voiceChatWithName("allChannel") = true
allChannel.volume = 1.0
self.voiceChannel = allChannel
// Redirect the player to a new UIViewController
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Universal", bundle: nil)
let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("ViewController") as UIViewController
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
self.presentViewController(vc, animated: true, completion: nil)