I have an OSGi bundle which reads some properties from the config.properties
file of Apache Felix during the activation process, and if this configuration is malformed or absent then the bundle should not start. For this, I am creating its respective Unit Test, I am using Arquillian for the tests. The problem arises when I want to provide different types of conf.properties
to different Arquillian tests, in order to cover each scenario.
When Arquillian runs the tests it load a framework.properties
file from the /test/resources/
folder to initialize Apache Felix, install the test bundles and run the tests. Now, my question is how can I provide a different framework.properties
file for each test case?
Here is the Arquillian Unit Test I use:
public class PersistenceLoaderTest {
public static Archive<?> createDeployment() {
final JavaArchive archive = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "persistence-arq.jar");
archive.setManifest(new Asset() {
public InputStream openStream() {
OSGiManifestBuilder builder = OSGiManifestBuilder.newInstance();
builder.addImportPackages("org.osgi.service.startlevel", "org.osgi.service.url");
return builder.openStream();
return archive;
public Bundle bundle;
BundleContext bundleContext;
public void loadFrameworkConfiguration(){
// What goes here?
And the framework.properties
# The Felix Framewok log level
# ERROR = 1;
# WARNING = 2;
# INFO = 3;
# DEBUG = 4;
These are the property values I need to change and test them for different scenarios.
To my understanding this is Container level properties and not Deployment level properties, so you would need to restart the container for it to take effect.
You could achieve this by setting the Container mode in arquillian.xml to manual.
<container qualifier="manual_felix" mode="manual">
Then in a TestClass you can inject the ContainerController and start it with new properties for each run.
public class TestA {
@Deployment(name = "x", managed = false) @TargetsContainer("manual_felix")
public static Archive<?> deployment() {
return ShrinkWrap.create....
private ContainerController cc;
private Deployer d;
@Test @InSequence(1)
public void start() {
cc.start("manual_felix", new Config().add("frameworkProperties", "my-custom-properties-file"));
@Test @InSequence(2) @OperatesOnDeployment("x")
public void shouldDoSomethingInsideX() {
// executes inside container in context of X