countLabel() == 0 ? $('#' + uniqueValueee + 'AndOrSelection').prop("disabled", true) : $('#' + uniqueValueee + 'AndOrSelection').prop("disabled", false);
Using the above code I am able to disable the selection of the dropdown.
I also want to show a tooltip saying why the dropdown is disabled. For that I have written a function on @onmouseover = "showToolTip("
on my razor dropdownlist.
function showToolTip(id)
If i write the code on other dropdowns which are enabled
it works fine. But when the disabled dropdown is mose overed, the js function doesn't fire. Plus in chorome i am also not able to inspect element. Please help.
Try this on your razor view. I tested it and it is working perfectly for both condition (ddl enabled & disabled):
@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.City, new SelectList(Model.Lookups.Where(x => x.LookupType == "City"),
"LookupID", "LookupValue"), "---- Select ----", new { disabled= true, @Title= "Tooltip here" })
new { disabled= true, @Title= "Tooltip here" }