
Clickable link in draggable node in angular-ui-tree

In angular-ui-tree I'm looking for a way to have links inside a draggable node.

What's happening now is that when I click on the link inside the node it starts "holding" the whole node to drag it.

I saw this answer Angular JS (angular-ui-tree) ng-click conflict vs drag start event, however it is not similar to what I want to do. In this answer ng-click is bound to the node, where in my case I have multiple links inside the node.

Below is my html:

    <div ui-tree="treeOptions" drag-delay="1000" id="tree-root">
      <ol ui-tree-nodes ng-model="filteredModules" data-nodrop>
        <li ng-repeat="module in filteredModules" ui-tree-node>
          <div ui-tree-handle ng-click="toggle(this)">
            <a class="btn btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon" ng-class="{'glyphicon-chevron-right': collapsed, 'glyphicon-chevron-down': !collapsed}"></span></a>
          <ol ui-tree-nodes ng-model="module.stages" data-nodrop ng-class="{hidden: collapsed}">
            <li ng-repeat="stage in module.stages" ui-tree-node>
              <div ui-tree-handle ng-click="toggle(this)">
                <a class="btn btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon" ng-class="{'glyphicon-chevron-right': collapsed, 'glyphicon-chevron-down': !collapsed}"></span></a>
              <div ui-tree-nodes ng-model="stage.cases" ng-class="{hidden: collapsed}">
                  <div ng-repeat="case in stage.cases" ui-tree-node>
                  <div ui-tree-handle>

                    <!-- HERE I HAVE TWO LINKS -->

                    <a href="/#/admin/cases/{{case._id}}">{{}}</a>                       
                    <a href="/#/admin/cases/edit/{{case._id}}" class="pull-right btn btn-primary btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"></span> Edit</a>                 

Is there a way to have multiple links inside a draggable node?

Thanks in advance


  • Add the no-drag attribute to the links like this:

    <a data-nodrag href="/#/admin/cases/{{case._id}}">{{}}</a>                       
    <a data-nodrag href="/#/admin/cases/edit/{{case._id}}" class="pull-right btn btn-primary btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"></span> Edit</a>