
How to combine case statement patterns

I'm trying to match on many different constructors in a case statement. For simplicity, assume in half the cases we do the same thing, and in the other half we do something else. Even if I factor out the logic to another function, I still have to write:

case x of
  C1 -> foo x
  C2 -> foo x
  C10 -> bar x
  C11 -> bar x

Is there some way to make case statements behave more like switch statements in C (i.e. with fallthrough), or so that I can match on one of many patterns at once, like:

case x of
  C1, C2, C3 -> foo x
  C10, C11, C12 -> bar x

Or perhaps another way to clean this up?


  • These are called disjunctive patterns, and Haskell does not have them. (OCaml and F# do.) There are a few typical workarounds, however. If your type is an enumeration, you can use equality, with for example elem, using a case expression, guards, or MultiWayIf:

    exampleCase cond = case cond of
        | c `elem` [C1, C2, C3] -> foo
        | c `elem` [C10, C11, C12] -> bar
        | otherwise -> baz
    exampleGuards c
      | c `elem` [C1, C2, C3] = foo
      | c `elem` [C10, C11, C12] = bar
      | otherwise = baz
    exampleIf c
      = additionalProcessing $ if
        | c `elem` [C1, C2, C3] -> foo
        | c `elem` [C10, C11, C12] -> bar
        | otherwise -> baz

    And of course, if foo or bar are long expressions, thanks to laziness you can simply factor them into local definitions, so you only have to repeat the name and any pattern variables you need as arguments:

    exampleWhere cond = case cond of
      C1 x -> foo x
      C2 y -> foo y
      C10 -> bar
      C11 -> bar
        foo x = something long (involving x, presumably)
        bar = if you please then something else quite long

    If you frequently group constructors together in this way, you can use the PatternSynonyms language option, which is especially useful in conjunction with ViewPatterns, to make your own patterns for matching such groups:

    {-# Language
        ViewPatterns #-}
    -- Write one function to match each property.
    fooish :: T -> Maybe X
    fooish = \ case
      C1 x -> Just x
      C2 x -> Just x
      C10 -> Nothing
      C11 -> Nothing
      -- May use a wildcard ‘_’ here; I prefer not to,
      -- to require updating cases when a type changes.
    barrish :: T -> Bool
    barrish = \ case
      C1{} -> False
      C2{} -> False
      C10 -> True
      C11 -> True
    -- Create synonyms for matching those properties.
    -- (These happen to be unidirectional only.)
    pattern Fooish :: T -> Foo
    pattern Fooish x <- (fooish -> Just x)
    pattern Barrish :: T -> Bar
    pattern Barrish <- (barrish -> True)
    -- If they cover all cases, tell the compiler so.
    -- This helps produce useful warnings with ‘-Wall’.
    {-# Complete Fooish, Barrish #-}
    -- Use them just like normal patterns.
    exampleSynonyms x = case x of
      Fooish x -> …
      Barrish -> …