My applyGuess method returns the user's progress after each guess, if his guess, in this case is a letter, is inside I append it (+=) to progress, and all the letters soon to be guessed are represented and printed on screen with '*' (stars). For example, the user guessed 'a' and the word has two a's; a***a* (The output) and, for second guess lets choose the letter 'n' if the user guesses 'n', we get; *n**** and not
public String applyGuess(char letterGuessed){
boolean isLetterInside = hiddenWord.indexOf(letterGuessed) >= 0;
char display;
String progress;
if (isLetterInside){
for (char letter: hiddenWord.toCharArray()){
display = '*';
if (letter == letterGuessed){
display = letterGuessed;
progress += display;
} else {
return progress;
Thank you!!
What you might be able to do, is keep track of all the guesses that the user has made and build a new prompt on each successive guess.
private String hiddenWord = "banana";
private Set<Character> guesses = new HashSet<>();
private int misses;
public String applyGuess(char letterGuessed) {
if (!guesses.contains(letterGuessed)) {
if (!hiddenWord.contains(Character.toString(letterGuessed))) {
char[] progress = hiddenWord.toCharArray();
for (int index = 0; index < hiddenWord.length(); index++) {
if (!guesses.contains(hiddenWord.charAt(index))) {
progress[index] = '*';
return new String(progress);
What this basically does is checks to see if the user has already used this character or not (I did this so I wouldn't increment the misses
count, but you're requirements might be different), adds the char
to the list of guesses and then checks to see if the character is in the hiddenWord
, if it isn't it increments the misses
Because, regardless of what the user does, we need to produce a prompt, the last part of the method creates a char
of the hiddenWord
and loops over each character in the hiddenWord
, where there isn't a matching guess in guesses
, it updates the character at that position with a *
It then returns a String
representation of the char
Doing something like...
for example