This is my file.txt:
Egg and Bacon;
Egg, sausage and Bacon
Egg and Spam;
Spam Egg Sausage and Spam;
Egg, Bacon and Spam;
I wanna convert the newLine '\n' to ' $ '. I just used:
f = open(fileName)
text =
text = text.replace('\n',' $ ')
This is my output:
$ Spam Egg Sausage and Spam;
and my output must be like:
Egg and Bacon; $ Egg, sausage and Bacon $ Egg ...
What am I doing wrong? I'm using #-*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
Thank you.
It is possible that your newlines are represented as \r\n
. In order to replace them you should do:
text.replace('\r\n', ' $ ')
For a portable solution that works on both UNIX-like systems (which uses \n
) and Windows (which uses \r\n
), you can substitute the text using a regex:
>>> import re
>>> re.sub('\r?\n', ' $ ', 'a\r\nb\r\nc')
'a $ b $ c'
>>> re.sub('\r?\n', ' $ ', 'a\nb\nc')
'a $ b $ c'