Can someone give an example of how to invoke and receive a response from an SQL adapter in worklight using AJAX call? I'm using worklight 6.0
I have security at the app level. I need to invoke a procedure that doesn't need authentication (example: Registering an account) and hence need to invoke the adapter using AJAX
This is my adapter:
var invocationData = {
adapter : 'UserInfo',
procedure : 'addUserInfo',
parameters : [ customerData.firstName,
customerData.province, customerData.zipPostal,
customerData.phoneNumber, customerData.streetName,
customerData.streetNumber,, ]
WL.Client.invokeProcedure(invocationData, {
onSuccess : insertUserSuccess,
onFailure : insertUserFailure
My understanding is that you just want to invoke an Adapter procedure using Ajax from some client.
Is it the same as this other question ?
Calling Worklight adapter from external app
You can check the details of the HTTP API here
Update: Also note that if you have any security tests configured, different than "wl_unprotected" (your adapter is 100% public with that, be careful!!) you may need extra steps to handle authentication.
If you have a default adapter, without any security test set, you may receive a 401 unauthorized in your first request, and in the body of the 401 you may find a WL-Instance-ID property, that you must send together with a new request to get authorized to use it.
Update 2: Worklight/MobileFirst Platform doesn't enable CORS (so you can't "naturally" call adapters using ajax from an external web page). It may be possible to workaround that by using a gateway (IHS maybe) that adds the header "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" to all adapter responses. Note that you are handling a security thing, so make sure you know what you are doing.