What I wish to achieve with maplist/3 could for example be following pseudo code:
lambda X: Z/Y=X, to_lower(Z,LC), char_code(L,LC), return L/Y,
['A'/42, 'B'/500],
Res = ['a'/42, 'b'/500]
I know that it is possible to write for example
maplist(plus(1), [1,2,3,4], Res).
Res = [2,3,4,5].
So I could just define the pseudocode lambda X: Z/Y=X, to_lower(Z,LC), char_code(L,LC), return L/Y
as a normal predicate and use this predicate in the maplist...
However, I am curious if it is possible to do this without creating a whole new predicate?
The reason why I want to do it this way, is because I feel it is more natural to read, rather than jumping around in the code to find the predicate
See library(lambda)
?- maplist(\ (Z/Y)^(L/Y)^ ( char_code(Z,ZC),
char_code(L,LC) ), ['A'/42, 'B'/500], Res).
Res = [a/42, b/500].