I'm trying to get login using base camp as MVC project gives use Google facebook etc how can I get log in using my basecamp credentials
There are a lot of ways to implement that but the old is gold use BasecampRestAPI Its very easy to implement for example: Lets first authenticate the user
public static bool Authenticate(string username, string password)
BaseCamp objCamp = BaseCamp.GetInstance("https://CompanyName.basecamp.com", username, password);
// as we authenticated, therefore pass username after formatting it i.e. converting "Khawaja.Atteeq" to "Khawaja Atteeq" format
string user = username.Split('@')[0].Replace('.', ' ');
user = new CultureInfo("en").TextInfo.ToTitleCase(user.ToLower());
// session if necessary.
HttpContext.Current.Session["UserID"] = user;
return true;
Now lets go to the login page
protected void SignIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Authenticate(Username.Text.Trim(), Password.Text))
Error.Visible = true;
Thats It Hope This helps