
NSMutableArray removeObjectAtIndex and NSTabView

My program is a web browser with MMTabBarView. Problem with closing the tab closes an invalid element by looking at the log.I have seen that from NSMutableArray * browserViews; when call [browserViews removeObjectAtIndex: index]; in willCloseTabViewItem This is the code : .h

    IBOutlet NSTabView *tabView;
    IBOutlet MMTabBarView *tabBarControl;
    IBOutlet NSSearchField *searchField;
    IBOutlet NSView *mainView;
    NSMutableArray *browserViews;
- (MMTabBarView *)tabBarControl;
- (ERBrowser *)addWebView:(NSURL *)url;
- (void)addDefaultTabs;


- (id)initWithWindow:(NSWindow *)window
            if (self = [super initWithWindow:window])
                browserViews = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
            return self;

- (void)windowDidLoad{
            [super windowDidLoad];
           for (NSTabViewItem *item in [tabView tabViewItems])
                [tabView removeTabViewItem:item];
            [tabView setAutoresizesSubviews:true];
            [searchField setDelegate:self];
            [tabBarControl setDelegate:self];   

- (ERBrowser *)addWebView:(NSURL *)url{
            for (NSView *view in browserViews)
                [view setHidden:false];
            ERTabModel *tabModel = [[ERTabModel alloc] init];
            NSTabViewItem *tabViewItem = [[NSTabViewItem alloc] initWithIdentifier:tabModel];
            [tabView addTabViewItem:tabViewItem];
            [tabView selectTabViewItem:tabViewItem];
            ERBrowser *browserView = [[ERBrowser alloc] initWithFrame:mainView.frame];
            [browserView setAutoresizingMask:(NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable)];
            [mainView addSubview:browserView];
            [browserViews addObject:browserView];
            [browserView setUIDelegate:self];
            [browserView setFrameLoadDelegate:self];
            NSLog(@"%@", browserViews);
            if (url)
                [[browserView mainFrame] loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url]];
            return browserView;

- (void)addDefaultTabs {
            [self addWebView:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://google.com"]];

- (MMTabBarView *)tabBarControl {
            return tabBarControl;

// Method called when webView javascript requests new window with request
- (WebView *)webView:(WebView *)sender createWebViewWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request
            return [self addWebView:[request URL]];
// MMTabBarVievDelegate
- (void)tabView:(NSTabView *)aTabView didSelectTabViewItem:(NSTabViewItem *)tabViewItem {
        NSUInteger index = [aTabView indexOfTabViewItem:tabViewItem];
        NSLog(@"didSelectTabViewItem Index %ld", (long)index);

        if ([browserViews count] > index)
            for (NSView *view in browserViews)
                [view setHidden:true];
            ERBrowser *browserView = browserViews[index];
            [browserView setHidden:false];
            NSLog(@"Index change focus tab %ld", (long)index);

            [searchField setStringValue:@""];
            [tabViewItem setLabel:[browserView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"document.title"]];


- (void)tabView:(NSTabView *)aTabView willCloseTabViewItem:(NSTabViewItem *)tabViewItem

        NSUInteger index = [aTabView indexOfTabViewItem:[tabView selectedTabViewItem]];
            NSLog(@"willCloseTabViewItem Index %ld", (long)index);
       if ([browserViews count] > index)
            [browserViews removeObjectAtIndex:index];
            NSLog(@"%@" @"%ld", browserViews, (long)index);

And log : The program loads the default Tab google.com:

2015-03-26 17:51:57.634 ERClient[89171:26065490] didSelectTabViewItem Index 0

2015-03-26 17:51:59.030 ERClient[89171:26065490] (ERBrowser: 0x600000124060)

2015-03-26 17:52:02.278 ERClient[89171:26065490] didReceiveTitle!

Gmail open in a new Tab:

2015-03-26 17:53:51.994 ERClient[89171:26065490] createWebViewWithRequest!

2015-03-26 17:53:51.995 ERClient[89171:26065490] didSelectTabViewItem Index 1

2015-03-26 17:53:52.035 ERClient[89171:26065490] (ERBrowser: 0x600000124060, ERBrowser: 0x600000121cc0)

2015-03-26 17:53:53.987 ERClient[89171:26065490] didReceiveTitle!

2015-03-26 17:53:56.451 ERClient[89171:26065490] didReceiveTitle!

2015-03-26 17:53:59.003 ERClient[89171:26065490] didReceiveTitle! - I do not understand why this happens 3 times instead of 2

Focus on Tab 2 with index 1, I change the focus to the first Tab index 0, and then return back:

2015-03-26 17:57:56.384 ERClient[89171:26065490] didSelectTabViewItem Index 0

2015-03-26 17:57:56.477 ERClient[89171:26065490] Index change focus tab 0

2015-03-26 17:57:58.206 ERClient[89171:26065490] didSelectTabViewItem Index 1

2015-03-26 17:57:58.207 ERClient[89171:26065490] Index change focus tab 1

Now I close Tab 2 with index 1:

2015-03-26 17:58:55.691 ERClient[89171:26065490] willCloseTabViewItem Index 1

2015-03-26 17:58:55.691 ERClient[89171:26065490] (ERBrowser: 0x600000124060) 1

2015-03-26 17:58:55.692 ERClient[89171:26065490] didSelectTabViewItem Index 0

2015-03-26 17:58:55.693 ERClient[89171:26065490] Index change focus tab 0

It turns out that open Tab 1 with a valid title but the content remained on the Tab 2 : enter image description here

And if I open another Tab and there will also be displayed gmail Tell me how to fix it or where to read why this is happening


  • Problem was solved by itself. The problem was due to the fact that I have a little experience in programming. Now I will describe why not work. When you delete an object from NSMutableArray still remained WebView object with the loaded page. It was necessary to add [browserView removeFromSuperview];

    The code is as follows:

    - (void)tabView:(NSTabView *)aTabView willCloseTabViewItem:(NSTabViewItem *)tabViewItem
        NSUInteger index = [aTabView indexOfTabViewItem:[tabView selectedTabViewItem]];
       if ([browserViews count] > index)
           ERBrowser *browserView = browserViews[index];
           [browserViews removeObjectAtIndex:index];
           [browserView removeFromSuperview];

    Maybe someone will be useful in the future to create a Web Browser with Tab Bar