
How would i use nested classes in Puppet for this example?

I am trying to install mysqltuner for puppet from the forge, already installed properly mysql module, but i don´t understand quite well the classes behaviour. the example is below:

class drupal::db {

  class { '::mysql::server':

    # how would i access to ::mysql::server::mysqltuner??? 
    # how  do i should nest to make it work???
    # how can i access the subclass of server "mysqltuner"??? what connector should i use???, I know it like some kind of path to the subclass.
    # Which is the magic connector????
    # Class Tested                        It works
    # ::mysql::server::mysqltuner            No
    # ::mysqltuner                           No
    # mysqltuner                             No
    class { '::mysql::server::mysqltuner':  
      ensure => present

  class { '::mysql::client':

I have tried several ways but it didnt work. i have to use my own cfg file and i need to load mysqltuner so it works with my file. I really appreciate any answer in the topic.

Kind Regards.



  • You're overthinking this. mysql::server::mysqltuner is not a nested class. It's just a name that represents a significance to mysql::server.


    include ::mysql::server
    include ::mysql::server::mysqltuner

    The class { '::mysql::server': } syntax should generally be avoided if not needed.