
libGDX/roboVM: How to fix "Native Library libhfscompressor.dylib already loaded in another classloader"?

I'm using roboVM (1.0.0) with libGDX (1.5.5) in Android Studio (1.1.0) and face the problem that execution on an iOS device works only after deleting the gradle directory (~/.gradle). Without prior deletion of ~/.gradle, execution fails with the following error message:

[ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library ~/.m2/repository/org/robovm/robovm-dist/1.0.0/unpacked/robovm-1.0.0/bin/libhfscompressor.dylib already loaded in another classloader

Do you have any ideas what might cause this problem or how to fix it?


  • The fine folks at badlogic games posted a solution here:

    It comes down to disabling the Gradle build deamon by setting org.gradle.daemon=false in