I used VLC.DotNet dlls to play my RSTP/h.264 stream in my WPF application. Now, I need to process some frames of this stream.
Does VLC.DotNet have any methods for frame grabbing?
The new Vlc.DotNet library (https://github.com/ZeBobo5/Vlc.DotNet / Nuget: Vlc.DotNet.Wpf/Core/Core.Interop/Forms) doesn't have snapshot functionality yet. It seems to have been implemented in the Core library but not in the actual VlcControls so hopefully it'll show up sometime soon.
The old Vlc.DotNet library, which I think you can still acquire here: https://github.com/RexGrammer/Vlc.DotNet-Deprecated , should allow snapshots using the following:
myVlcControl.TakeSnapshot(@"C:\", 1280, 720);