
OS X Menubar application: How to bring window to front

I am developing a menubar-only application for OS X and I am struggeling to get a settings window to show up in front of other apps.

App setup

"Menubar-only application" means:

When the app starts, I create an NSStatusItem and add the NSMenu from the storyboard as its menu. This all works fine - the app starts, shows no window and no dock icon but a menubar item that contains the menu from the storyboard.

Settings window

I now wanted to add a settings window that is shown when a menubar entry is clicked. I therefore:

When the "Settings"-entry from the menu is clicked, I then try to bring the settings window to front using:

[self.settingsWindowController.window center];
[self.settingsWindowController.window showWindow:self];
[self.settingsWindowController.window makeKeyAndOrderFront:NSApp];

The window is shown, but not brought to the front but rather hidden behind other apps.

Any ideas how to solve this? Thanks!


  • You need to call:

    [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];

    (This is one of the rare occasions where it's correct to pass YES to that method.)

    For Swift you can use

    NSApp.activate(ignoringOtherApps: true)