I have built a POST request route as:
match '/getActivatedFriends',
to: 'requests#getActivatedFriends', via: 'post',
constraints: { friends_phone_number_csv: /([0-9]+,?)+/ }
with action:
def getActivatedFriends
@results = BusinessUser.find_by_sql("SELECT
, a.username
, a.phoneNumber
FROM users a
WHERE phoneNumber in ('+params[:friends_phone_number_csv]+') and
removed = 0 and
is_user = 1;")
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render json: { friends_match: @results }}
That should return a JSON object of the users that match. I have tested with POSTMAN as:
But what returns is the error noting invalid authenticity token
How can I reconfigure to make this POST route work?
By default Rails uses CSRF protection
in controller. It is add to your form hidden_field
with authenticity token. But in your case you do not use form
you can disable CSRF protection
on controller by skipping the verification before_action.
Add to top of your requests controller:
skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token
or in Rails 4 and 5
(it is the same command):
skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token