I have
mylist = [a, b, c, d]
and I want to get:
[p*a+(1-p)*b, p*b+(1-p)*c, p*c+(1-p)*d]
right now what I am doing is this:
somelist = []
for i in range(len(mylist)):
if i+1<len(mylist):
expectedVal = (1-p)*mylist[i]+p*mylist[i+1]
is there a cleverer way to not get an "out of index" exception when the loop goes for its last iteration?
To my mind, the simplest modification to your code would be to iterate up to one less than the length of mylist
for i in range(len(mylist)-1):
expectedVal = (1-p)*mylist[i]+p*mylist[i+1]