
PhpUnit giving errror at second test function

I am trying to make test to my Database with phpunit and I migrate the database to memory.

the first test run just fine:

  /** @test */
     public function it_fetches_a_single_ano_letivo()



but the second test fails and its exactly the same as the first one:

     /** @test */
         public function it_fetches_anos_letivos()



Here is the makeAnoLetivo function:

 private function makeAnoLetivo($anoLetivoFields = [])

             $anoLetivo = array_merge([
                 'ano1' => $ano1+0,
                 'ano2' => $ano1+1
             ], $anoLetivoFields);



and here is the phpUnit output:

Configuration read from {{PATH_TO_PROJECT}}/phpunit.xml


Time: 2.62 seconds, Memory: 23.25Mb

There was 1 error:

1) AnosLetivosTest::it_fetches_anos_letivos
Illuminate\Database\QueryException: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 19 may not be NULL (SQL: insert into "anos_letivos" ("ano1", "ano2", "updated_at", "created_at") values (2009, 2010, 2015-03-27 18:41:59, 2015-03-27 18:41:59))


Caused by
PDOException: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 19 may not be NULL


Tests: 3, Assertions: 5, Errors: 1.

So the first function run just fine but the second one is the same and fails... Also if i create a third one (equal) only the first one will pass.

EDIT 1: So it inserts well in the first test, it rollbacks the DB and Migrates it again for the next test and the insert in the database says the ID may not be NULL, so it seems the create method no longer knows how to insert in the database after the first test... still dont know what causes this, the migrate is correct and it is rollback"ing" well too...

Edit 2: I tried to run the tests against the production database and it works just fine. So the problem must be on the memory database or on any configuration on this memory database. But I dont know what problem because the first test I get green and it inserts the data without problems, i can even insert 10 items in the first test and it does what it should. But the second test shows the error above.


  • So the solution was to write this lines on the setUp() method:


    the problem may be in the laravel framework.