My local airport disgracefully blocks users without IE, and looks awful. I want to write a Python scripts that would get the contents of the Arrival and Departures pages every few minutes, and show them in a more readable manner.
My tools of choice are mechanize for cheating the site to believe I use IE, and BeautifulSoup for parsing page to get the flights data table.
Quite honestly, I got lost in the BeautifulSoup documentation, and can't understand how to get the table (whose title I know) from the entire document, and how to get a list of rows from that table.
Any ideas?
This is not the specific code you need, just a demo of how to work with BeautifulSoup. It finds the table who's id is "Table1" and gets all of its tr elements.
html = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
bs = BeautifulSoup(html)
table = bs.find(lambda tag:'table' and tag.has_attr('id') and tag['id']=="Table1")
rows = table.findAll(lambda tag:'tr')