i need to redirect the current user to a custom url after successfully uploading a document.
the user clicks "+ new document" in the document library
the user selects a local document
the document gets uploaded and in that moment after it is successfully uploaded and the item is created in the list, i want to redirect the user to a custom url
Normally after successfully uploading a document to a document library under SharePoint 2010, the user gets a modal dialog where he sees only the field "Name" with the filename.
I want to prevent this. How could i achieve this?
Isn't it possible to redirect a User after Document uploading inside a Document Library to redirect from Upload Form to a custom page instead of Edit.aspx within ann EventReceiver?
I am really frustated! I am now trying for over 3 days to get it working.
Here is my sample solution:
You must create a document library "doclib" to get it work.
But it does not work! I have used samples from several sites. I have added the logic inside the ItemAdded event. But nothing happens. I only want to redirect the user to another page after successfully adding a document to a library. Is this such a hard problem to get it work untder sp2010?
It seems, that it is not possible in SharePoint 2010 inside an EventReceiver to redirect to a SharePoint page withoug haveing a modal dialog as in CancelWithRedirectUrl.