I would like to create around 30 domain objects inside a controller. Here is how I wrote for the first object and it works fine (can see the output on index.gsp). Now, if I have to do the same for the 30 objects I need, should I have 30 different names or is there a simpler way?
class VendorController {
def index() {
def myvendor = new Vendor(name: "myVendor")
[vendor: vendor]
I know I can create objects in the BootStrap.groovy, but that isn't working (check Grails error: table or view does not exist) Until I figure out the mistake there, I want to create the objects in the controllers.
I'd do this in a service with a transaction, but that aside, you can do the following syntax:
(1..10).each { idx ->
new Vendor(name: "myVendor_${idx}").save()