Im new to IOS development, and now I have issues in cell.textLabel.textColor
what I did is implementing a tableview, and set color according to the section, as I show below, I have 4 section each has 7 rows.
As you can see I only set text color to red when this label is in 0 section,However, the result is:
the color is wrong for rest of the sections, as you can see ,some of them become red.
but if I uncommented the code in the else scope, set the color to black, it worked.
That is the expected behavior.
reuses the cells that have the same identifier. So, if you only set them to red in section 0, they will eventually be reused, and since you never told what the reusable state is, they will reuse the red color state.
You can solve this the way you did (providing a default state when the section is different than zero), or you can implement the method -(void)prepareForReuse
in your custom cell (that extends UITableViewCell