Can anyone give me a brief example of testing IO actions using Monadic QuickCheck?
The Test.QuickCheck.Monadic module lets you test monadic code, even things that run in IO
A monadic property test is of type PropertyM m a
, where m
is the monad the test runs in and a
is ultimately ignored. In the case of PropertyM IO a
, you convert the monadic test to a Property
by using monadicIO
; for all other monads, you use monadic
instead (which takes a function to run the monad, something IO
doesn't have).
In a monadic test, the value return
ed out of the monad is ignored. To check an expression, use assert
; assert
ing a false value will fail the test. Use run
to execute the code in the monad being tested.
There are other monadic actions at your disposal. For example, pick
will generate new test inputs out of a Gen a
, and pre
will check test preconditions. These are useful if the test inputs or preconditions themselves depend on values computed via the monad being tested, in which case the normal way of generating inputs or checking precontions won't work.
Here's an example of testing some IO
code: we check that after writing something to a temporary file, we can read that same data back. For demonstration purposes, we'll impose the precondition that we write at least one byte to the file. The two test properties do the same thing; one uses pick
and pre
unnecessarily while the other does not.
import System.Directory (removeFile)
import System.IO (hGetContents, hPutStr, hSeek, openBinaryTempFile, SeekMode (..))
import Test.QuickCheck (arbitrary, Property, quickCheck, (==>))
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (assert, monadicIO, pick, pre, run)
-- Demonstrating pick and pre as well:
prop_writeThenRead :: Property
prop_writeThenRead = monadicIO $ do writtenData <- pick arbitrary
pre $ not (null writtenData)
readData <- run $ writeThenRead writtenData
assert $ writtenData == readData
-- A more idiomatic way to write the above:
prop_writeThenRead2 :: [Char] -> Property
prop_writeThenRead2 writtenData = not (null writtenData) ==> monadicIO test
where test = do readData <- run $ writeThenRead writtenData
assert $ writtenData == readData
writeThenRead :: [Char] -> IO [Char]
writeThenRead output = do (path, h) <- openBinaryTempFile "/tmp" "quickcheck.tmp"
removeFile path
hPutStr h output
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek 0
hGetContents h
main :: IO ()
main = do quickCheck prop_writeThenRead
quickCheck prop_writeThenRead2