Iam a beginner in php development. I started learning phalcon framework and was working on the examples provided on the site. Everything was working good then when i started learning the tutorial 2 that is INVO Application, downloaded the complete project and placed in the public html folder and when i executed the APP from localhost its saying Volt directory can't be written. I didnt even change anything in the file, still i believed atleast the homepage will show up but nothing showed up.
what to do? pls help. iam using ubuntu.
$di->set('view', function() use ($config) {
$view = new View(); $view->setViewsDir(APP_PATH . $config->application->viewsDir); $view->registerEngines(array( ".volt" => 'Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt' ));
return $view; });
$di->set('volt', function($view, $di) { $volt = new VoltEngine($view, $di);
$volt->setOptions(array( "compiledPath" => "invo/cache/volt/" ));
$compiler = $volt->getCompiler(); $compiler->addFunction('is_a', 'is_a'); return $volt;
}, true);
Your compiledPath needs to be adjusted. Check the example from the repo: https://github.com/phalcon/invo/blob/master/app/config/services.php#L72
"compiledPath" => APP_PATH . "cache/volt/"