I've got a Java doLogin()
method invoked from a JSF page that gets an id (String netId
) and password (String password
) from the user. doLogin()
initiates the authentication using netId
as the principal in an Active Directory login. After that, I would like to get other attributes besides principal name from the Directory that secures my app.
My security is configured in the container & it works, such that
HttpSession ses = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSession (false);
HttpServletRequest req = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest();
req.login(netID, password);
is successful and
returns the user's netID
. However, my app uses the netId
only for authentication. Other attributes (commonName
for example) are needed for other parts of the app that access another database. I want to do something like
usefulLDAPobj = *getLDAPSession from "somewhere" in the HTTP Session, the FacesContext or some other available object*
String cn = usefulLDAPobj.getAttributeFromProfile ("cn");
ses.setAttribute("username", cn);
and from then on use username, stored in the session, in my Hibernate ORM.
I know the simple-minded usefulLDAPobj.getAttributeFromProfile ("cn")
will be more complex, but I can fill that out if I can find a starting point that gets me access to the LDAP Directory.
Since there is an obvious LDAP connection being set up by the container I feel there must be a way for me to make use of it without having to manually build up an LdapContext programatically; which would require the code to know all the LDAP server / bind-DN / bind-password configuration
that the web server (JBoss EAP 6.2) already knows about (from the <login-module>
defined in standalone.xml
). For example, methods like getUserPrincipal()
and isUserInRole()
need access to the very same Directory profile that I want access to.
So my question is: is there a way to get an LDAP connection or context from a FacesContext or a HTTPServletRequest or any objects accessible from an HTTPServlet?
I think a useful answer to the question would be there's no way to get an LDAPContext
directly from FacesContext
, but by writing a container-specific Login Module and Principal
class you can pass additional data via the HttpServletRequest
that is obtained through FacesContext
I'll put the details of my solution here, because even though it's not directly related to FacesContext
it gives me what I asked for in the body of the question, which is a way to get additional user data from the LDAP profile while avoiding the need to create a whole separate LDAPContext
What I wanted specifically was the CN
, which I was able to parse out of the DN
without doing an additional search. If I needed any other data, I assume that I could get that using ctx
in findUserDN()
I guess I am making my app dependent on JBoss
with this solution, and if that were undesirable I would search for a JBoss
-independent login module class to extend (no idea if that would be easy, difficult or impossible).
Here's my solution:
Override findUserDN (LdapContext ctx) in AdvancedADLoginModule
package ca.mycompany.myapp.jboss;
import java.security.Principal;
import javax.naming.ldap.LdapContext;
import javax.security.auth.login.LoginException;
import org.jboss.security.negotiation.AdvancedADLoginModule;
public class NameFetchingADLoginModule extends AdvancedADLoginModule
protected String findUserDN(LdapContext ctx) throws LoginException
String lclUserDN = super.findUserDN(ctx);
Principal principal = getIdentity();
if (principal instanceof PrincipalWithDisplayName)
String displayName = lclUserDN.substring(3, lclUserDN.indexOf(','));
((PrincipalWithDisplayName) principal).setDisplayName (displayName);
return lclUserDN;
extend Principal to provide a displayName attribute
package ca.mycompany.myapp.jboss;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.security.Principal;
public class PrincipalWithDisplayName implements Serializable, Principal
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final String name;
// additional attribute provided by this subclass
private String displayName;
public PrincipalWithDisplayName(final String name) {
this.name = name;
// new and overriding getters and setters, equals() and hashCode() removed for brevity
use the new login module and Principal in a doLogin() method
String displayName = "";
HttpSession ses = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSession (false);
HttpServletRequest req = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest();
try {
req.login(userName, password); // this throws an exception if authentication fails
Principal lclUser = req.getUserPrincipal();
if (lclUser instanceof PrincipalWithDisplayName)
displayName = ((PrincipalWithDisplayName) lclUser).getDisplayName ();
// get Http Session and store username
HttpSession session = HttpUtil.getSession();
sess.setAttribute("username", displayName);
JBoss EAP 6.2
, in standalone.xml
, to use the new classessnippet:
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:security:1.2">
<security-domain name="company_ad" cache-type="default">
<login-module code="ca.mycompany.myapp.jboss.NameFetchingADLoginModule" flag="required">
<module-option name="java.naming.factory.initial" value="com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"/>
<module-option name="java.naming.provider.url" value="ldap://servernm.mycompany.tst:389"/>
<module-option name="java.naming.security.authentication" value="simple"/>
<module-option name="bindDN" value="CN=AuthGuy,OU=Accounts,OU=Company User Accounts,DC=company,DC=tst"/>
<module-option name="bindCredential" value="Snowden1"/>
<module-option name="baseCtxDN" value="OU=Company User Accounts,DC=company,DC=tst"/>
<module-option name="baseFilter" value="(sAMnetID={0})"/>
<module-option name="searchScope" value="SUBTREE_SCOPE"/>
<module-option name="allowEmptyPassword" value="false"/>
<module-option name="rolesCtxDN" value="OU=Company User Accounts,DC=company,DC=tst"/>
<module-option name="roleFilter" value="(sAMAccountName={0})"/>
<module-option name="roleAttributeID" value="memberOf"/>
<module-option name="roleAttributeIsDN" value="true"/>
<module-option name="roleNameAttributeID" value="cn"/>
<module-option name="recurseRoles" value="1"/>
<module-option name="principalClass" value="ca.mycompany.myapp.jboss.PrincipalWithDisplayName"/>