
iOS7 ALAsset Thumbnail Incorrect Orientation

I'm trying to load images (taken earlier from the UIImagePickerController and saved in the Assets Library) from the ALAssetsLibrary in iOS7 in Swift using the code below:

assetsLibrary.assetForURL(NSURL(string: image.diskPath), resultBlock: {
            asset in
            if let validAsset = asset {
                let rep = validAsset.defaultRepresentation()
                let imageData = rep.fullResolutionImage()
                //let imageData = validAsset.thumbnail()
                var imageOrientation: UIImageOrientation = .Down
                let orientValueFromImage = validAsset.valueForProperty("ALAssetPropertyOrientation") as NSNumber
                imageOrientation = UIImageOrientation.fromRaw(orientValueFromImage.integerValue)!

                let imageToAdd = UIImage(CGImage: imageData.takeUnretainedValue(), scale: 1, orientation: imageOrientation)
                if fetchedImageCount == fetchedImages.count{
            }, failureBlock: {error in
                NSLog("error %@", error.debugDescription)

When I use let imageData = rep.fullResolutionImage(), I get the correct UIImageOrientation for the image, but when I replace that line with let imageData = validAsset.thumbnail(), I always get a .Right Orientation. This happens only with images taken through the UIImagePickerController. Any Ideas on why this is happening and how to fix it? Loading a full resolution image for a UICollectionView is a bummer and takes a lot of time and memory.

How can I get the correct orientation of the thumbnail? Thanks.


  • Have you tried something like :


    aspectRatioThumbnail() gives you a thumbnail that have the same ratio and orientation as the full resolution image.

    Like you I used scale and orientation parameters for UIImage init and got wrong orientation, I then tried without and the orientation is always correct.