I am having a bit of trouble intercepting constructor calls to a library (so I can replay them later) while still maintaining the prototype chain. More concretely, I am working with a library (ThreeJS, but could be any library), and some code that uses this library. What I want to do is write a piece of code that modifies the library objects, so I can run a block of code every time a constructor is called.
Example: when a new scene is created, I want to print "new Scene created" to the console.
var scene = new THREE.Scene();
When the constructor takes arguments, I also want to log these arguments.
I'm not sure about this, but... you could try something like...
// Backup the original constructor somewhere
THREE._Scene = THREE.Scene;
// Override with your own, then call the original
THREE.Scene = function() {
// Do whatever you want to do here..
THREE._Scene.apply(this, arguments);
// Extend the original class
THREE.Scene.prototype = Object.create(THREE._Scene.prototype);