I want to match 'Foo' as Foo
, not 'Foo'
I have the following lexer rule:
: '\'' ( ~'\'' | '\'\'' )* '\''
But it seems to match the quotes.
My visitor looks like this:
public override IFilterExpression VisitLiteral_value(MagicHubFilterParser.Literal_valueContext context) {
return MakeExpression(context.GetText());
I know I can trim it at that point, but I suspect it would be quicker and cleaner to handle it on the lexer level, if possible.
What's the best way to do this?
As @CoronA suggests, it might be more canonical to do in the visitor. However, I did figure out how to do it with a parsing rule:
stringBody : ( ~'\'' | '\'\'' )*;
: '\'' body=stringBody '\''