
How to prevent focusout when focusin fires on the same element?

I'm attaching an .active class to a div that is wrapped around an input and label.

My problem is when an element is clicked inside the wrapped DIV, the focusout will fire, and this is causing a slight flicker of the styling.

    .on('focusin', '.formlabel', function() {


    .on('focusout', '.formlabel', function() {



Here's an example: http://jsbin.com/mamacogimo/1/edit?html,js,output - click the label and an item from the dropdown. You will notice the blue background flickers.

Is there anyway to prevent the flickering?


  • You can use a timeout, like so:

    var timeout;
    $('body').on('focusin', '.formlabel', function() {
    }).on('focusout', '.formlabel', function(e) {
      timeout = setTimeout(function() {
      }, 250);
