
Automatic numbering of generated ToC in Jekyll

I'm using Kramdown's ToC generation in Jekyll and am wondering I can make it somehow support automatic numbering, so that this markdown:

## Header A

### Subheader

## Header B

Gets turned into this HTML:

<h2>1 Header A</h2>
<h3>1.1 Subheader</h3>
<h2>2 Header B</h2>

Apparently this could be done in CSS or JavaScript, but I'm looking for a Markdown->HTML only solution.


  • Pay attention to this part in kramdown documentation:

    All attributes applied to the original list will also be applied to the generated TOC list and it will get an ID of markdown-toc if no ID was set.

    So, simply replace

    - This list will contain the toc (it doesn't matter what you write here)


    1. This list will contain the toc (it doesn't matter what you write here)

    to get numbered ToC instead of unnumbered.