
A crash on a curly bracket: debug assertion faild

I have a piece of code that runs in debug mode in VS2008, C++. The problem is that when I am debugging the code line by line, at a very weird point of the code, it crashes and says:

debug assertion faild. Expression: _BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead->nBlockUse)

The crash point is on the first closed curly bracket (after mesh->edges[e].needsUpdate=false;) I don't understand why on a curly bracket? does that make sense to you guys?

What is going on?

for(int e=0; e<mesh->edges.size(); e++)
    if(mesh->edges[e].valid && mesh->edges[e].v[0]>=0 && mesh->edges[e].v[1]>=0 &&
        mesh->points[mesh->edges[e].v[0]].writable && mesh->points[mesh->edges[e].v[1]].writable)
        //update v_hat and its corresponding error
        DecEdge Current = DecEdge(e);
        pair<Point, float> ppf = computeVhat(e);
        Current.v_hat = ppf.first;
        Current.error = ppf.second;



  • In my experience, crashes that happen on a closing brace mean that the crash happened in a destructor that ran when the block went out of scope. I'd check what's happening in the destructors for DecEdge and Point.