
Is it possible to connect to eDirectory with python ldap3?

I am trying to connect to eDirectory using python. It is not as easy as connecting to active directory using python so I am wondering if this is even possible. I am currently running python3.4


  • I'm the author of ldap3, I use eDirectory for testing the library.

    just try the following code:

    from ldap3 import Server, Connection, ALL, SUBTREE
    server = Server('your_server_name', get_info=ALL)  # don't user get_info if you don't need info on the server and the schema
    connection = Connection(server, 'your_user_name_dn', 'your_password')
    if'your_search_base','(objectClass=*)', SUBTREE, attributes = ['cn', 'objectClass', 'your_attribute'])
        for entry in connection.entries:
            print(, entry.objectClass, entry.your_attribute)

    If you need a secure connection just change the server definition to:

    server = Server('your_server_name', get_info=ALL, use_tls=True)  # default tls configuration on port 636

    Also, any example in the docs at should work with eDirectory.

    Bye, Giovanni